About Us

Management Information are a team within the Children, Young People and Education directorate of Kent County Council who collect and process end of foundation stage assessments, phonics screening results, end of key stage 1 and 2 teacher assessments and tests, GCSE and post-16 examination results and return analyses (Making Figures Speak for Themselves) to schools.

We also collect and process the school census (3 times a year), with analyses produced on ethnic group, pupil first language, special educational needs (SEN), Free School Meals (FSM), pupil absence and exclusions. Management Information are also responsible for the collection and processing of the School Workforce Census for all LA primary and secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units.

Other aspects of our work are the collection, processing and analysing of NCCIS returns, NEETs, Early Years, Early Help and Preventative Services and Youth Justice data.

Management Information provide systems training, support and guidance for staff in various CYPE business systems, along with support and training for schools and governors on Fischer Family Trust (FFT Aspire), Understanding and Using Data, Getting Data Fit for Ofsted, Preparing for the School Census and Preparing for the School Workforce Census.

We also deal with with ad hoc requests, forecasting and provision planning, GIS and production of school and pupil dot maps.

For more information on any of the above please contact: management.information@kent.gov.uk

Professional Leads


Performance and Information Manager

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer

Management Information Officer


Wendy Murray

Matt Ashman

Ed Lacey

Abi Maunders

Cheryl Prentice

Kayleigh Wood

Nas Peerbux

Katie Sedgwick

Helen Hogan


Attainment Training 

Early Years Foundation Stage, Post 16

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2, FFT Aspire

Key Stage 4

FFT Aspire


School Census

School Workforce Census

For all enquires please:


Telephone:03000 414800